Brothers of St. Stephen


The Brothers of Saint Stephen (BoSS) at Saint Stephen Anglican Church provides opportunities for men to meet together in an informal environment for fellowship and growth in their understanding and experience of life as Christian men in today’s society. There’s a place here at Saint Stephen for men of all ages and places along their faith journeys to connect with other men, to learn from other men, and to grow alongside other men in our church and in our community.

The BoSS group is committed to bringing men together in a way that they can share and grow in their faith while helping each other to be better men, better husbands, and better fathers. More than a social gathering, we truly love and care for one another as Brothers in Christ. We gather every fourth Friday at 6:30ish – sometimes at the church, and other times at the home of one of the members. Wherever we come together, there will be food, drink, and a lot of fun. Come and see!

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