About Us
About Us
St. Stephen Church is rooted in the Anglican and Celtic spiritual traditions. We are a parish of the Anglican Church in North America, and profess the Nicene Creed as it nourished the English speaking peoples, the Universal church of Christ throughout the world and “the blessed company of all faithful people” (BCP 1979, p. 338). We maintain the Holy Eucharist as the central act of Christian worship and teach the historic faith with the Book of Common Prayer as the standard of worship and truly believe the Bible in its entirety to be the revealed word of God
St. Stephen Anglican Church is a member of the The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). The ACNA unites 135,000 Anglicans in nearly 1,100 congregations across the United States, Canada, and Mexico into a single Church. On April 16, 2009 it was recognized as a province of the global Anglican Communion, by the Primates of the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans. The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach is the Archbishop of the Church. Members of ACNA are in the mainstream , both globally and historically, of Christianity – the biblically faithful way of following Christ and being part of the “One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church”.

An Introduction
When people say, “We don't go to church, we are the church,” there’s some truth in that. The church is not a building or an event. It's people. But the fact is we do “go to church.” Church is not just who we are. It's also where we go. It makes no difference if we gather in a brick building with pews and stained glass, a renovated storefront, a multi-purpose room, a megachurch, a coffee shop, or a house. But it does matter that we go somewhere. The church is not just people, but people who meet together – for worship, for fellowship, for discipleship, and more. We welcome you to gather with us.

Clergy and Staff
Our hope is that Saint Stephen Anglican Church is not just a place that you attend once a week, but a place where you can connect with people and be involved in life changing ministry. Faith should touch and inform every part of our lives. Come on in. We've been expecting you.

Our Worship
St. Stephen Church practices the living historic forms of the liturgies of the Church and the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Baptism. At the center of our worship is the sacrament of the Body and Blood – the Holy Eucharist – in which we believe that grace is imparted by the real presence of Christ.

Our Beliefs
We believe and confess Jesus Christ to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no one comes to the Father but by Him. Therefore, the Anglican Church in North America identifies certain elements as being essential to being Anglican.

Anglican Tradition
Far from being a faith of the past, Anglicanism is a rich spiritual tradition that connects the past with the present. People from all sorts of backgrounds are embracing the Anglican Church as the tradition that seamlessly blends many different Christian expressions. As Anglicans, we are part of the larger Christian family whose roots go back to the time of Christ. Many Americans are finding their spiritual roots in the Anglican tradition.

Anglican Mission
St. Stephen Church is rooted in the Anglican and Celtic spiritual traditions. We are a parish of the Anglican Church in North America, and profess the Nicene Creed as it nourished the English speaking peoples, the Universal church of Christ throughout the world and “the blessed company of all faithful people”

First Time Visitor
We are inclusive. That means all people are welcome. If you come to worship here or participate in the active life of our community, we hope to offer a spirit of welcome to you. While you don’t need to know anything in particular to visit, here is some basic information that might be helpful in advance of your visit.

Upcoming Events
Find information on all Saint Stephen Anglican Church upcoming events in this section including special events, adult and children's programming, member events, and more.

Our Vestry
The vestry is the leadership council of the parish, and new vestry members are elected at the January annual meeting. They work closely with the Rector, Pastoral Staff, and Ministry Leaders to define the mission and direction of the parish and manage the parish’s operations, finances, and property. Vestry members are examples of commitment, participation, and support of the life of the parish.

Ministry Leaders
As God’s people, we are to live the reality of who he has declared us to be. He has rescued us and given us an incredible identity as his children, his bride, his disciples, and his friends. As God’s people, our activity must be rooted in the identity he has graciously given us. The same is true for those who lead in ministry.

Contact Us
Do you want or need to get in touch with us? Do you have questions? Here is the contact information you need and an email submission form for general inquiries.