Our Vestry

Our Vestry

The Vestry is the governing body of our congregation. It is comprised of three elected lay members, the pastoral team, and a secretary and treasurer. The pastoral team and elected lay members are the voting members of the Vestry, while the secretary and treasurer have voice in the meetings. One lay member is elected annually at our congregational meeting in January, and serve three-year terms. They determine parish policy including the budget and other financial matters and work closely with the rector on strategic and financial planning. Our Senior Warden is the senior elected member (by tenure) of the Vestry. Our Junior Warden is the second most senior elected member of the Vestry.

Those on the Vestry explicitly seek God’s guidance in their work. The Vestry has specific legal and fiscal responsibilities, but their work can be done only as it is grounded in the Spirit. Finding common ground, centered on the spiritual life of individuals and of the Vestry as a group, is fundamental to successful work as a Vestry. We begin and end the meetings with prayer. The rector chairs the Vestry and has canonical authority for certain matters in the church.

The Vestry is not a representative body. Each member represents the church as a whole, and not any particular constituency within the church. Our Vestry seeks continuity and embraces change. We strike a balance of new thinking and experience by electing one Vestry member every three years. The Vestry welcomes and encourages input from all members of the congregation.

The current elected lay members of the Vestry are Jessica Cook (Senior Warden), John Lyons (Junior Warden), and Michael Flatico.

To contact a member of the Vestry directly by mail, email, or telephone, see our church directory.

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